既然是一篇讀後心得分享 就注定"打大雷"~~

=====================================     地雷區     ============================================

Harry Potter series每一本英文版的我都差不多讀了兩次
前四集的故事多半像是快速的動作片 加雜了好多的轉折: 
Harry一下要考試交報告 晚上要殺怪物救朋友 週末節日要談戀愛參加舞會 期末考完試又要跟大魔頭決生死 
第五集好不容易節情比較漫長 發現壞人的線索都是慢慢延伸出來的
直到最後Harry的教父Sirius Black 被大魔頭 Lord Voldemort 的下屬殺害
Dumbledore才叫Harry進辦公室 跟他好好談談他肩上的使命..

第六集看完兩次 掉了兩次眼淚 深受其中一段Dumbledore對Harry說的話感動
先簡略提一下這段話之前的故事好了 (天啊 怎樣用簡短的話說完 前面五集半發生的事情啊?! 真是考倒我了:S)

預言上說"恐怖大魔頭Lord Voldemort 會被一個在某年七月底出生的男孩殺害 正邪的這兩方 只有一方能存活下來"
當Lord V.聽到這則預言後馬上想辦法先將小男孩殺死
而那一年在魔法家族裡 七月底出生的男孩其實有兩個 
Lord V.選定了Potter家裡的這個叫Harry的男嬰
在Harry一歲的時候 Lord V.來到了這個家庭 殺了爸爸 進而想殺他媽媽 
臨死之前的媽媽賦予Harry "the greatest power in the world: love" 
成功抵擋Lord V.的死咒 讓Harry存活下來
也因為愛的力量太大 造成反擊 迫使 Lord V.只剩一絲魂魄 遊走各地 想盡辦法讓自己復活
也因此潛伏了10年 在黑暗處等待重生 等待機會殺害Harry
(Lord V.之所以可以這樣沒有實際型體活著的原因 等一下會說)

10年過去了 長大的Harry也被通知入學 進入Dumbledore擔任校長的Hogwart魔法學校
在阿姨家寄住了10年的Harry 從來都不知道自己的爸爸媽媽會魔法 自己也有潛力學習魔法
在這樣的一個學校 交了朋友 學習魔法 
更重要的是 一點一滴拼湊過去 重新認識自己的爸爸媽媽 
也知道誰是殺爸爸媽媽的仇人 也漸漸知道自己帶著殲滅黑暗"的使命

Lord V.之所以"殺不死" 是因為他知道一個非常黑暗的法術: 
"每殺一個人 就把自己魂魄的一部分寄放在一個紀念品Horcrux 所以除非所有Horcrux都被殲滅 不然永遠不會死"
如果Lord V.一直以魂魄的方式寄住別人的身體而存活 似乎也沒那麼恐怖
只是在Harry上學的第四年結束 Lord V.成功地找回自己的身體重生
接著號昭他的下屬death eaters 號昭其他魔法族群 巨人 狼人等等 準備一舉征服魔法世界
引此 為了讓Harry有萬全的準備面對Lord V. 
在上學的第六年校長Dumbledore特地把所有Lord V的故事跟Harry說
也試著合力殲滅Horcruxes 不幸地 結局還蠻慘的 未來 Harry將一個人繼續奮鬥

好了 終於可以進入主題啦
我要分享的這一段是15歲的Harry根本不覺得自己可以打敗黑暗法術高超的Lord V.

H: "But I haven't got uncommon skill and power to kill him"
D: "Yes you have,"  "You have a power that V. has never had. You can---------"
H: "I know!" "I can love!" "Big deal!"
D: "Yes, Harry, you can love" "Which . given everything that has happened to you, is a great and remarkable thing."
H: "So when the prophecy says that I'll have power the Dark Lord knows not, it just means----------- love?"
D: "Yes------ just love" "But Harry, never forget that what the prophecy says is only significant because V. made it so.
     "I told you this at the end of last year. V. singled you out as the person who'd be most dangerous to him ----
      and in doing so, he made you the persone who would be most dangerous to him!"
H: "but it all comes to the same -----"
D: "No, it doesn't" " You are setting too much store by the prophecy!"
     "If V. has never heard of the prophecy, would it have been fulfilled? Would it have meant anything? Of course not!"
     "Do you think every prophecy in the Hall of Prophecy has been fulfilled?"
H: "But last year, you said one of us would have to kill the other ----"    
D: "Harry, Harry, only because V. made a grave error, and acted on Prophecy!"
     "If V. had never murdered your fater, would he have imparted in you a furious desire to revenge?"
     "If he had not forced your mother to die for you, would he have given you a magical protection he could not penetrate?"
     "Harry, don't you see? V. himself created his worst enemy, just as tyrants everywhere do! Have you any idea how much
       tyrants fear the people they oppress? All of them realize that, one day, amongst their many victims, there is sure
       to be one who rises against them and strikes back! V. is no different! Always he was on the lookout for the one 
       who would challenge him. He heard the prophecy and he leapt into action, with the result that he not only
       handpicked the man most likely to finish him, he handed him uniquely deadly weapons!"
D: "In spite of all the temptation you have endured, all the suffering, you remain pure of hearts."
H: "But it all comes to the same thing. I've got to try to kill him."
D: "Of course You've got to! But not because of the phrophecy! Because you, yourself, will never rest until you've tried.
       Imagine, please, just for a moment, that you had never heard that prophecy! How would you feel about V. now?"

Harry thought of his mother, his father, and Sirius. He thought of all the terrible deeds he knew Lord V. had done.
A flame seemed to leap inside his chest, searing his throat.

H: "I'd want him finished" "And I'd want to do it."
D: "Of course you would. The prophecy doesn't mean you have to do anything! But the prophecy caused Lord V. 
       to mark you as his equal... In other words, you are free to choose your way, quite free to turn your back on the prophecy.
      He'll continue to hunt you... which makes it certain that---- "
H: "That one of us is going to end up killing the other." 

But he understood at last. It was the difference between being drageed into the arenato face a batter to the death 
and walking into the arena with your head held high.  Some ppl would say that there was little to choose between 
the two ways, but Dumbledore knew--- and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my preants---
that there was all the difference in the world.

先感謝大家願意看完以上長篇的英文 (其實很簡單易懂吧!!)
會讓我感動的原因是 Dumbledore跟Harry說預言只是預言 你可以選擇不相信它 那就完全不干他的事了
反過來Lord V.不僅相信預言 還跟著採取行動 
就像其他暴君 總是朝朝日日擔憂 有一個人帶著神奇力量 會領導群眾來推翻自己
還同時愚蠢的賦予對方一些力量 所以只要Harry明白他不是至始至終被迫打這場仗
不是被迫一定要面對Lord V. 而是一值都存在著這樣的動力 又被賦予強大武器:愛的能力 
他至少是抬著頭勇敢迎接挑戰 去殺掉這個無惡不作的暴君Lord V.  
兩種態度的一線之隔 Dumbledore知道 Harry的爸媽也明白 現在 Harry也懂了...

多少次我們看到星座預測 或是某某算命師說的話 都忍不住信以為真
剛開始都覺得不準不準 過了五分鐘 開始覺得"好像對耶...."
到最後這樣的想法就如心理學家說的 直接進入我們的潛意識了 不照做都難
之後 不知不覺照著走 到最後還真的跟他們預測的一樣
可是或許我們都忘了自己有選擇權 可以做任何自己想要作的事
連算命師都會偷偷說 "其實只要懂心理學 懂一點點紫微 就可以去唬人了" 我們又為什麼要這樣乖乖的照作呢?
命運掌握在自己的手裡 相信自己更重要 至少我們會是抬著頭 帶著fierce pride 迎向戰場!!! 我要好好記住這些話~ 共勉之~

P.S. 這樣的故事到底誰會死? 誰會存活? 一個16歲的小夥子又要怎麼殺死Lord V.? 抑或兩敗俱傷?? 
PP.S. 16歲 只學了6年魔法的主角 竟然就背負著這樣的責任 身邊的長輩們又一個個死去 哎 難怪作者都想跟Harry說對不起.... :S
PPP.S. 期待明年出版的 Harry Potter VII !!


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