
因為受不了 藉口說要幫他找接機 借住的人 轉信給幾個好朋友
結果有位同學太生氣了 就直接寫了一封標題"沒禮貌"的信給他

"Greetings Cindy,

I am sorry that I am poor at keying in Chinese.
As a matter of fact, I found a personal computer to
key in Chinese yesterday.

I have said "thanks for your help" in every email
to you. If you still didn't find that I have shown
any appreciation, I have nothing to say. Moreover,
didn't you find I have answered your questions in
yesterday's email as I attached below? Or how did you
know I will arrive at SMF on Thu or Fri? (那封信我始終沒收到!!)

Please allow me clarify something. I supposed the
stuff of temporary housing is one of the yearly
essential activities in TGST. (x的 還寫錯!) So I wrote down
directly how I felt when I hadn't recieved any clear
message from any member in TGSA after 5 days.

I believe that the president of TGSA takes care of
everything is not a good way to run TGSA. That every
activity is with a specific person to be reponsible
for is a much better way in running TGSA. Then the
president of TGSA would not be exhausted by the
activities of TGSA. (xxx 甘你屁事!!!"

Probably you have forwarded my email to a lot of
people. xxx sent an email to blamed me immediately.
I am not interested in argument.

All in all, I appreciate all the help you gave."

"xxx 你當會長喔 我們怎麼運作TGSA 要你管啊 才一個小新生
給我在那邊跩屁?!!" 相信我 看完我連說了好幾句髒話

後來決定把他的第一封message 以"幫他找接機 借住服務"為由
刊登到我們的網頁上 結果當然被轟

"I didn't get your message you mentioned your name and major in it or I
wouldn't ask you twice, would I?

I did forward your email to xxx and a bunch of friends, asking if they
would provide temporary housing.
Apparently xxx said no and sadly I got another "no" phonecall tonight.

I think the reason is that you picture TGSA in a wrong way. We DO NOT have
to take care of the new comers. We DO NOT have to provide temporary housing.
We DO NOT have to take them to the garage sales. We DO NOT have to guide
them through registration process. But we did!! Why?? We didn't get paid at
all, not even one cent!! Then why would we provide care, still?? That's only
because we are willing to help others who are from the same place as we are, Taiwan.
So do NOT think that every sevice is granted. NOTHING IS GRANTED AND WE DO
aspect then you'll probably show more gratitudes. Yes. You did say thank you
but you sounded like everything is our responsibility which is not in any
other way!!! and that makes us feel a bit annoyed. And I was not the only
person who feels so or they wouldn't say no, would they?

Oh and I don't think your comments on how TGSA should work are useful and
appropriate. You are not one of the officers and trust me we have our
own system that makes this all work.

Back to business,......."

今天早上他就只回給我他的班機時間 (打定主意 如果他在嗆 我就公告大家 免得日後麻煩 誰知道他又會做什麼?! 哼哼 算他沒種!!)
忙了一個上午 原本根本找不到人去接他 卻又發現還有另外兩個新生跟他撘同一班飛機抵達SMF
這樣在機場相遇就太尷尬了 (雖然他很晚才通知我們 我們完全站得住腳 卻又覺得尷尬)
於是很願意配合的Frances就說會去接他 然後把他丟在另外一位願意讓他借住的Yen-Ming家
一切似乎終於塵埃落定 可是大家不免興嘆 "咳 還真的是最難安排的接機借住的一次..."

免不了的一陣心情低落 到底是為了什麼我要把自己搞得這麼累??
當初是因為抱持著幫助別人的心 對整個TGSA有一股想要它更好的熱誠接下來的
現在 處理email 安頓新生的時間 佔去整個上午 實驗也忙昏頭了 再加上老闆的精神壓迫 自己也希望project有進展
卻發現 從接下來的七月到現在也才兩個多月 我就一直喊投降 已經無數次想放棄
真的 到底是為誰忙啊??


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