09/25這一天 我們邀請了很多好朋友來家裡 officially introduced Atticus to everyone!
朋友們攜家帶眷 大人小孩小嬰兒 全部加起來26人!! 超熱鬧的!!
Party前 萬先生先去意膳坊買油飯 雞腿 紅蛋
大家先吃吃喝喝閒聊一會 就是我們準備的Atticus's quiz game有獎徵答
Q1. Birthday? A1. 08/25/2011
Q2. His name? A2. Atticus Hung
Q3. The meaning of his name? A3. Intellect and learning
Q4. How tall was Atti when he was born? A4. 20"
Q5. How big was his head when he was born? A5. 35.5 cm
Q6. How big is his head now? A6. 38 cm
Q7.What was his birth weight? A7. 7 lb 9 oz (4320g)
Q8. How many diaper change per day? A8. 11
當初買了一堆新生兒的尿布 120片 大家都說太多
小孩長很快 兩個禮拜後NB size就穿不下了
誰知這隻有潔癖的小朋友 十天內就把那120片用光了 XD
Q9. The longest sleep time? A9. 6 hours
Q10. Continue from the last question, how many times has he slept for that long?
A10. 半夜沒有設鬧鐘起來餵他 他就神奇的從晚上十一點睡到早上五點 而且還兩次這樣
接著三人一起切蛋糕 (高難度動作啊)
接著是和客人們合照 (可惜Simpson, Michelle, Sammi, and Kelli在Atti吃便當時先走了 沒照到 哪天補照啊!)
和Jason, Audry, Alicia (Justin害羞跑走了. :P)
和Sarah, Rouise, Chuck合照
和Jeff and James合照
和Mark, Samantha, Brandon and Chloe合照
和Chris, Wendy and Ethan合照
和Howard, Jojo, Jayden, 還有未出爐的蛋糕合照 :P
好開心 有那麼多好朋友們來看我們 謝謝大家!! (淚)
好啦 萬老大和我的第一個月就這樣在\歡笑和淚水中渡過
不過 我還沒寫完 請接著看感性的最終回