話說早上 一個學弟跟我說
Davis Downtown被警察封鎖了
搶銀行後 就開著他們在El CerritoEl偷的車
到2 and C的地方 就把這台藍色Camry的車丟棄
我聽到就覺得很"有趣" "還有點興奮" 真的假的啊~
以下節錄自davisenterprise的新聞 大略翻譯一下 免得大家懶得看
Davis bank robbed
Police swarmed downtown Davis and areas south of there this morning,
searching for four men - at least one of them armed -
who robbed First Northern Bank. (警察在找人.. 四人中一人持槍..
這四個人搶了 First Northern Bank)
Crime-scene tape, investigators and curious onlookers surrounded the
intersection of Second and C streets, where the robbers ditched their stolen
blue Toyota Camry after a red dye pack inside a bag of stolen money was activated.
(警察跟圍觀群眾聚集在2nd街跟C街 嫌犯搶完錢 就把偷來的贓車丟在這裡
Witnesses reported seeing red smoke pouring from the car just before it screeched to a halt.
The robbers bolted from the car and were last seen running southbound on C Street
toward Aggie Village. (目擊證人指出看到一台車急速煞車 然後往Aggie Village逃逸)
No injuries were reported from the robbery, which occurred at about 10 a.m.
at First Northern Bank, 434 Second St. (並沒有人員傷亡 這件事情發生在早上十點.....)
Alva Garcia, an office assistant at Lyon Real Estate at Second and C streets,
said she was on the phone with a customer when the commotion started outside.
"I heard tires screeching, and I looked up and saw smoke coming out of the car," said Garcia, 22.
She said she saw two young-looking men in baggy clothes flee from the Toyota. She immediately called 911.
(一個目擊證人說 她在跟別人講說話的時候看到 一台車子不斷冒煙 之後急煞 然後兩個
穿垮垮衣的年輕男生從這輛車逃出來 她就馬上打電話報警)
Chris Slichter of Davis was enjoying a cigarette in his parked car on C Street when two men passed by,
one of them armed with what appeared to be a sawed-off shotgun.
(另外一個坐在自己車子裡抽煙路人甲 抽得正高興的時候 看到兩個人經過他的車子 其中一個好像拿著散彈槍)
"They passed by like they were in daze - they didn't know where to go," said Slichter,
who said he saw two more suspects pass behind his car. Three ran across First Street,
while another ran westbound on First, he said.
(他們看起來很恍神 3個嫌犯跑過1st街 剩下的一個往西走)
They apparently fled empty-handed, leaving a black-and-orange L.L. Bean bag inside the abandoned car,
the front passenger seat tinted with red dye. The car had been reported stolen from El Cerrito, police said.
(他們很明顯地兩手空空 一個黑橘色袋子也棄置於車上 前乘客座椅漆的紅紅的
這輛車是在El Cerrito偷來的)
Davis police Sgt. Scott Smith said two of the suspects were described as
black males between 18 and 25 years old, 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-8 with stocky builds,
wearing baggy pants and puffy jackets. One jacket was red, the other denim, Smith said.
(警察局說 其中兩個嫌犯是年輕黑人...... 一個穿紅外套 一個穿牛仔外套)
Anyone with information is urged to call the Davis Police Department at 747-5400.
- Reach Lauren Keene at lkeene@davisenterprise.net or 747-8048.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
真是難以了解的搶案... 竟然沒把錢拿走... 兩手空空逃走... 那幹麻搶錢啊??!!
p.s. 我覺得那句"Chris Slichter of Davis was enjoying a cigarette in his parked car on C Street
when two men passed by" 好好笑....